Headmaster Kham Nueng’s Orchard

      “Headmaster Kham Nueng’s Orchard offers a tranquil atmosphere and a variety of fresh fruits directly from the orchard for visitors to savor. Ideal for those who love to travel and enjoy fruits, the orchard features an assortment of fruits, including mangosteens, longkong, lychees, and durians. Beyond being a diverse fruit orchard, it also serves as a community learning center for sufficient economics and agricultural practices, providing insights into organic fruit cultivation.”

Recommended activities
– Sustainable agricultural learning center
– Organic fruit agricultural production
– Community economic learning center
– Tasting fruits
– Touring the garden

Work houres : 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Travel month : Entire year

Owner : Suchada Chanasit​ ( 089-092-9596 )

Tourism safety standards : SHA