Kaeng Hang Maew Organic Herb Garden

      On an area spanning over 8.3 hectares, the community enterprise ” Kaeng Hang Maew Organic Herb Garden” includes a diverse range of fruits and medicinal plants. These include dipterocarpus, hopea odorata, terminalia, mahogany, Thai terminalia, croton, piper, and more. Within the garden, there are various activities to welcome visitors, including garden tours, photo opportunities, purchasing farm products, and learning about organic farming practices. Additionally, there are activities related to processing medicinal herbs and creating traditional Thai fragrances.

Recommended activities
– Learning resources about herbs
– Studying and observing organic agriculture
– Herbal processing
– Making Thai aromatic products

Recommended products
– Thai aromatic products
– Herbal medicine

Work hours : 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Travel month : Entire year

Owner : Areerat Pounbal ( 089-245-9979 )

Tourism safety standards : SHA