Durian Chan Home Garden

      “A variety of durian cultivars, including Mon Thong, Nok Krachib, and Benjapan, await your selection to indulge in their delicious, sweet, soft, and tongue-pleasing flavors at the Chan’s Durian Home Garden. Don’t miss the chance to experience the unique taste of durians in this orchard. In addition to durians, the garden also offers other fruits such as mangosteens and fresh longkong straight from the trees, welcoming tourists who come to visit the orchard.”

Recommended activities
– Walking through the garden
– Taking photos
– Tasting fruits

Recommended product
– Durian

Work hours : 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Travel months : March-June

Owner : Somtob Srikongrak ( 096-992-1777 )

The sanitation and safety standards of Thailand’s tourism : SHA