Khitchakut Farm

      “Khitchakut Farm stands out as an organic farm specializing in fresh vegetables and fruits, including ripe densely-textured durians, as well as crisp and safe-to-eat vegetables. Visitors can choose from a variety of these organic delights. The farm also features a coffee shop where guests can cool down after a leisurely stroll through the orchard, enjoying refreshing drinks and delicious meals. Don’t miss the chance to capture some chic and picturesque photos to share with friends!”

Recommended activities
– Learning and observing processing activities
– Conducting workshop activities
– Purchasing vegetables and fruits

Recommended menu
– Chong local cuisine

Work hours : 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Travel month : Entire year

Owner : คุณศิริพรรณ เจริญแพทย์ (ครูก้อย)​ ( 096-282-2555 )

Tourism safety standards : SHA