Jin Da Thawee Sub Garden

      “The Salak Sumalee Garden is situated on a prominent hill covering an area of over 1.6 hectares. The deliciously sweet taste and enticing aroma are sure to captivate your senses, inviting you to savor every bite. Every step of the cultivation process is carefully attended to, ensuring the highest quality. If you’re a fan of salak, this garden is a must-visit, guaranteed to leave a lasting impression that will make you want to come back again and again.”

Recommended activities
– Touring the garden
– Taking photos

Recommended product
– Sumalee slak

Work hours : 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Travel months : Open all year round except June, July, and August

Owner : Paweena Sanee ( 099-875-3624 )

The sanitation and safety standards of Thailand’s tourism : SHA