Lung Tao Durian Garden

      “Producing and selling high-quality durians, this agricultural tourism garden spans over 0.8 hectares and is conveniently located near the city. Visitors can enjoy a warm and welcoming atmosphere as they explore the orchard and taste a variety of fruits, including rambutan, longkong, mangosteen, and various durian cultivars such as Chanee, Mon Thong, and Kob Chai Nam. Additionally, the garden offers processed durian products like fried durian and durian jam for a delightful culinary experience.”

Recommended activities
– Tasting fruits
– Harvesting fruits
– Touring the garden
– Capturing cool photos

Recommended products
– Fried durian
– Durian jam

Work hours : 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Travel month : April-June

Owner: Kanidha winyunanthakul​ ( 097-269-1484 )

Tourism safety standards : SHA